Library Policies
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Material Loan
Patrons must have a valid student, state, or military photo ID to borrow Library materials. Patrons are limited to ten items; only three may be DVD format. Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) community patrons must show a valid state or military photo ID for registration.
Material Loan Periods
Books: Fourteen-day loan period. Items may be renewed up to two times unless another patron has a request for the item and has placed a material hold.
DVDs: Seven-day loan period, three item limit. Items may be renewed once unless another patron has a request for the item and has placed a material hold.
Equipment-Calculators/Flash Drives/Headphones/Portable DVD Drives: These items are issued on a one-day, in-library loan period, but may be taken outside of the library pending staff approval.
Reference Materials/Periodicals: These materials are available for in-library use only.
Books: 10 cents per day, maximum fine of $25.00. Books over 45 days overdue will roll to lost status. Items in lost status may be subject to item replacement cost, a processing fee of $15.00, and the maximum fine. Damaged items may be subject to a $10.00 repair fee or item replacement fee.
DVDs: 50 cents per day, maximum fine of $25.00. DVDs over 14 days overdue will roll to lost status. Items in lost status may be subject to item replacement cost, a processing fee of $15.00, and the maximum fine. Damaged items may be subject to a $10.00 repair fee or item replacement fee.
Equipment-Calculators/Flash Drives/Headphones/Portable DVD Drives: Damaged items may be subject to a repair fee or item replacement fee.
Lost Materials
Lost materials are subject to item replacement cost, processing fee, and the maximum fine.
Holds are placed on accounts of patrons with an accrued overdue fine of $10.00 or missing materials, and will block material loan, class registration, graduation registration, and transcript access. Holds are removed upon reconciliation of accounts with the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library.
Fine Payments
Material fines may be paid at the campus Cashier's Office by cash, check, or debit/credit card, upon invoice receipt from the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library.
Account Reconciliation
Library patrons with monetary charges or lost items on their accounts may acquire an invoice from the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library denoting outstanding charges. This invoice may be presented at the campus Cashier’s Office for payment. Upon reconciliation, if applicable, the Student Information System (SIS) the hold will be removed by Business Office personnel. The patron may then return the invoice with proof of payment to the Library to have the Integrated Library System (ILS) hold removed. Fines and fees are credited to the 火博体育官网 General Funds account.
Print Books
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library houses over 45,000 print volumes of circulating books and reference materials.
Electronic Books
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library offers access to over 850,000 electronic book titles through various eBook collection platforms. Titles are accessible through the Library website, and many are available for download.
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library offers 24/7 access to over 190 database resources.
Streaming Video
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library offers access to hundreds of thousands streaming video titles and video articles/segments through the Bloom's Literature, Digital Theatre+, Films on Demand, Kanopy, SAGE Nursing Video, Shakespeare Globe to Globe 3, Stratford Festival Shakespeare 2, and Swank Digital Campus platforms.
Print Periodicals
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library subscribes to area newspapers including the Hobbs Sun-Times, the Lovington Daily Leader, and other periodical titles.
Electronic Periodicals
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library offers electronic access to The Chronicle of Higher Education, Flipster (various titles), The Journal of Higher Education, The New York Times, Physics Today, and Sky and Telescope.
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library holds over 3,000 DVD titles.
Library Usage Policy
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library is open to all students, faculty, staff, and community patrons. Community members who have a patron card issued from an Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) Library may access services and materials. Many Library materials, including display items, books, DVDs, and periodicals are suited for adult patrons ONLY; parents/legal guardians are responsible for any censorship or viewing of such materials by minors. Children under the age of 15, with the exception of currently enrolled dual credit students, may not be left unattended in the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library, and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. 火博体育官网 Pannell Library staff cannot assume responsibility or liability for the safety and well-being of any minor in the absence of a parent or guardian.
Alumni Library Resource Access
火博体育官网 alumni are welcome to utilize Library resources (subject to Library staff approval) for continued educational pursuit, job seeking, and research.
Computer Usage Policy
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library offers access to personal computers for academic purposes. Library computer and printer access is available until 15 minutes prior to Library closing time. Students, faculty, and staff may use their 火博体育官网 issued login credentials for computer access. Guests and community patrons may request a guest login (valid photo ID required). The aforementioned requests, and duration of computer access time, are granted at the discretion of Pannell Library staff. Patrons are limited to one login at a time, including wireless Internet access for laptop computers, tablets, or other devices. Library computers and the 火博体育官网 T-Bird Network may not be used for unauthorized commercial or illegal purposes pursuant to the New Mexico Statutes Chapter 30: Criminal Offenses Article 45: Computer Crimes, 30-45-1 through 30-45-7.
Off-Campus Access
New Mexico Junior College Pannell Library databases, eBooks, streaming video collections, and the online catalog may be accessed from off-campus sites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A current 火博体育官网 login credential is required for off-campus access of electronic information resources. A login is not required for off-campus online catalog access. The off-campus login protocol mirrors the default protocol for 火博体育官网 network access, email, and Canvas.
Saving Documents and Files on Library PCs
When saving documents and items accessed on New Mexico Junior College Pannell Library PCs, use cloud, network, or portable storage. Files may be temporarily saved to the computer desktop for later use (such as attaching a document or other file to an email or for upload into the 火博体育官网 Canvas Course Management System). Files saved to the computer hard drive may be erased upon network log off.
Software Use
Only licensed software may be utilized on campus computers. Patrons are not allowed to load programs or software without prior approval from the 火博体育官网 Information Technology Department.
Laptop Computer/Tablet/Smartphone Internet Access
Wireless Internet access is available for students, faculty, staff, and community patrons. Use of a library data port for personal device network access is prohibited.
Printing Policy
Students enrolled in a credit class may print up to 50 pages per day. Additional printing may be allowed at the discretion of Pannell Library staff, or at a charge of 10 cents per page. Guest patrons may print a limited number of pages at the discretion of Library staff. Patrons are unable to print from laptops and/or wireless devices, but may borrow a flash drive at the Library Circulation Desk for transfer of files to a Library computer.
New Mexico Junior College Pannell Library offers the use of photocopiers for students, faculty, staff, and community patrons. Patrons are subject to a charge of 10 cents per copy.
Bibliographic Instruction
Library information instruction sessions are available throughout the semester. Campus librarians are available to present instruction to individuals, classes, and other groups. Sessions may be tailored to general research, individual subjects, or specific class assignments. Contact your campus librarian for scheduling and/or additional information.
Library Study Rooms
Study Room access is provided for the benefit of currently enrolled 火博体育官网 students, faculty, and staff seeking to meet in groups of two to twelve patrons. Quiet study sessions with light conversation are assigned to rooms 106 and 108, and group sessions accommodating regular conversation are assigned to rooms 203 and 204. Study rooms are equipped with charging stations and whiteboards; three (108, 203, and 204) have multimedia equipment for presentation and/or videoconferences. Students must have a current study room agreement/usage form on file to request a reservation.
Rooms may be reserved in two-hour blocks. Renewals are permitted if any study rooms with equivalent occupancy are unoccupied at the time of the request. Time limitations may be imposed during peak usage. Reservations and access to study rooms ends thirty minutes prior to Library closing time. Please refer to the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library study room access agreement form for additional details.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary loan services are available for all 火博体育官网 Pannell Library patrons. Please note that users of this service are subject to access and loan period regulations from the lending libraries. In some instances, a fee for access or shipping may be required. Please allow enough lead time for material delivery (in some cases up to two weeks, depending upon the physical distance from the lending library).
Copyright and Fair Use
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library complies with copyright and fair use of information materials pursuant to guidelines stated by the U.S. Copyright Office. Fair Use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain instances. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining Fair Use, and identifies types of usage.
Confidentiality of Patron Records/Usage
Patron Library account and material usage records are kept confidential; only current or overdue material records are retained. Upon material discharge, usage records are purged. The USA Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act) supersedes Library confidentiality policy. The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library will comply with any government requests submitted under the jurisdiction of the USA Patriot Act.
USA Patriot Act
Pursuant to legal requirements of the USA Patriot Act, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies or officials may obtain court orders for Library records for investigations involving national security and/or terrorism. Under penalty of law, libraries or Library staff served with search warrants may not divulge the existence of the warrants or dissemination of records disclosed as a result of the warrants. Patrons cannot be informed that their records were requested by, or provided to, law enforcement agencies or that they are/were under FBI investigation.
Collection Development
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library strives to compile an information collection that supports the curriculum and research requirements of New Mexico Junior College. The collection development policy of the Library centers on the acquisition of, and providing access to, materials that are relevant to instructional programs and curriculum, including general studies and leisure materials.
Intellectual Freedom
It is the responsibility of the librarians and evaluators to ensure that all essential viewpoints are considered for the collection. Patrons with concerns regarding collection holdings may contact the Director of Library Services.
Challenged Material Policy/Selection Policy
The American Library Association (ALA) defines a challenge to literature as an attempt by a person or group of people to have materials, such as books, removed from a Library or school curriculum, or otherwise restricted.
The resources acquired for the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library are selected to support curriculum, meet the teaching, research, and service missions of the College and the Library, and for the provision of leisure materials. The acquisition and holding of any resource, print or electronic, does not infer that the Library advocates or endorses the ideas contained in the information resource. The Library adheres to the principles of intellectual freedom as outlined in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association. It is the responsibility of the Library to strive for inclusion of varying viewpoints for representation in the collection.
The Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association states “Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.” (Article 1); and “Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” (Article 2). The Library also endorses the Freedom to Read Statement provided by the American Library Association. Contact the Pannell Library for material challenge protocol and procedure.
Material Acquisition Requests
火博体育官网 Pannell Library patrons may request materials for acquisition. All requests are evaluated by the Director of Library Services to determine whether the material is suitable or necessary for addition to the Library collection.
Gifts and Donations
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library welcomes and appreciate gifts and donations. The Library accepts donations of books and other materials with the understanding that items will be adopted for the collection only if deemed relevant and appropriate. The Library cannot appraise value of donated materials, but may provide an acknowledgement of receipt, including a description of the items. If donated materials are adopted for the collection, the donor may request that a book plate denoting donation details be placed inside the front cover of a book or material holding case. If donated materials are not adopted for the collection due to need, content, duplication, condition, or dated information, the Library will give them to charitable organizations, offer them to Library patrons or other libraries, or return them to the original donor, upon request.
Proctoring Policy
Requests for Library personnel to proctor 火博体育官网 course exams must be received directly from the 火博体育官网 Testing Center or individual Professor of the class. Exam proctoring is available for students enrolled in classes at universities or colleges other than 火博体育官网, if a formal request is received directly from their educational institution.
Lost and Found
The Library lost and found is located at the Circulation Desk. The Pannell Library will make a reasonable effort to contact the owners of valuable property bearing identification and/or contact information and to safeguard such items until the owners retrieve them. The Library does not accept responsibility for personal property left unattended in the Library. Items of value unclaimed after 14 days are turned over to 火博体育官网 Campus Public Safety.
Charging Stations
Charging stations are provided for the convenience of Library patrons for use at their own discretion. The Library cannot assume responsibility for device damage from usage.
Noise/Cellular Phone Usage Policy
The 火博体育官网 Pannell Library strives to offer an atmosphere conducive to study and research. The campus Library building layout requires that patrons be considerate and keep noise levels to a minimum. Loud talking or other boisterous activity is not permitted. Patrons are asked to set cellular phones to silent or vibrate when inside the Library. If a patron must accept a phone call they must keep it brief and quiet, take the call to the Library foyer, or completely outside of the Library.
Food and Drink Policy
Snack foods and drinks with covers are permitted in the 火博体育官网 Pannell Library.
Library Security
If a security alarm sounds upon exit of the Library, please return to the Circulation Desk until dismissed by a Library staff member.